Silk Herbal Hair Oil
Silk Herbal Hair Oil
- PCSIR Certified
- Natural Ingredients
To treat brittle, damaged hair! Amor presents a natural hair oil.End your flaky relationship with dandruff and get your dream hair length with Amor silk herbal hair oil.This hair oil relieves irritation, moisturizes a dry scalp, and strengthens hair for a thick, lustrous, &bouncy appearance.The formula features a rich blend of Amla and Retha oils, which offers multiple benefits and delivers nutrients to the scalp for healthy long hair.Designed for all hair types and textures.
How to use:
Massage silk herbal hair oil into the scalp using your fingertips for 8-10 minutes, or until the oil is entirely absorbed,and comb through hair. leave the oil in your hair overnight or leave it for 3-4 hours. Thoroughly rinse your scalp and hair with normal water. For most satisfactory results, repeat 3-4 times a week.
Retha, Amla, Sheka Kai, Charela, Wasma, Zarnab, Takm e Gurz, Sandal, Nagar Motha, Castor Oil, Olive Oil, Preservatives Essentials.