Face Glow Serum On Best Price in Pakistan
A blend of supernatural ingredients gives you an organic glow. It’s an effective and powerful antioxidant that controls and reduces the skin problems like acne and pimples and repairs the damage to the skin, making skin smooth by narrowing the pores.
Helps skin to shine and glow by working as a great highlighter when applied to the parts of the face where ultraviolet radiations strike naturally like brow bone, nose, and cheekbones. This product is also can use as a serum for glowing skin
Diatamancesheels, Saffron, Pomegranate flower, Orange oil, Coconut water, Maringa, Sandal white, Sandal red, Felemangia garahamana.
Orange oil is a natural controller of hyperpigmentation, reducing dark spots, and having astringent properties that may help tighten pores, cleanse the skin and dry out oil, clear stains, and improve the overall texture of the skin. It may help in skin lightening, fight against inflammation, and keep skin fresh. Saffron is a great skin exfoliator and works similarly to an orange oil due to being enriched in vitamins. Reduces the signs of aging, makes skin softer, enhances circulation, and clears the spots that are caused by aging related to hormonal changes like menopause, pregnancy, etc. Pomegranate flower makes skin smooth by preventing structural proteins of the skin from breakdown and keeping skin wrinkles and fine lines free, also provides protection against sunlight and reduces the bad effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin. Coconut water also reduces fine lines and wrinkles and allows the skin to visibly glow by lightening the dark spots and reducing acne inflammation by fighting against the microbial and fungal agents that are responsible to promote acne and pimples. Moringa also has natural vitamin C that promotes the production of collagen and helps in diminishing wrinkles, fine lines, and skin drooping. Also possess anti-bacterial and nourishing properties and similar functions to coconut water. Contain Vitamin B7, a natural moisture preservative that helps people with dry skin, especially in the winter season, helpful for skin with skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis. White sandalwood Red and White sandal woods both are the best natural ingredients that create healthy skin looks, reduce dark spots, and reduce skin rashes, like other ingredients help in vanishing wrinkles and fine lines. Both provide soothing and cooling effects to the skin against pimples or acne. Flemingia grahamiana keeps skin safe from various kinds of skin problems. Have strong antioxidant properties. Diatamancesheels have similar effects on the skin as the other constituents to make the skin looks softer, clear, and smooth.
Amor glow serum brings a blend of all the ingredients to offer incredible benefits to our customers with this product. It will never block the pores as most serums do.
It is all safe and can be used on a daily basis. A slight tingling or burning sensation might be experienced sometimes but it will not last long because we have best serum for glowing skin in Pakistan. In case, the sensations are not stopped within minutes and cause allergic reactions, rashes, hives, or swelling, then wash your face immediately because powerful components may irritate the skin.
- Wash and clean your face before applying. Take 4-5 drops on the palm, apply on the face, and tap the serum on the face using your fingertips for 30 – 60 seconds and let it absorb its own. The night is the best time for better results.
- Also, you can apply it in the morning before makeup then it keeps you safe from the bad effects of makeup and also protects the skin from UV radiation.
The unopened item could be returned within 4 weeks and get your pay return if the fault or issue in the order is from our side that is the wrong item or defective item. Otherwise, no policy is applicable to the purchased item.
It could be shipped anywhere in the world if no salability restrictions are found on this product and the price will also be revised depending on weight and shipment charges.